Tuesday, July 22, 2008

So last night I had the great pleasure of going to my 3rd John mayer concert.  I didn't have the best seats in the house (as I have had before) so I can not say it was my favorite, but man was it good!  I am a person that is very moved by music, so to say the least I was crying!  If any of you moms have not been moved by the (cheesy) but great song DAUGHTERS you are lying.  I was overly excited when he played SAY (which is on the bucket list soundtrack), that I would say was the moment of the night.  He is also a funny guy, he cracked a few jokes about the "private club" situation and he even poked fun at himself - asking all the fellas to clap if they didn't want him to play "Your Body Is A Wonderland", the fellas may not have wanted to hear but I love that song.  To top it all off my great husband came with me (there were a lot of great husbands there in support of their wives love of another man) Thanks Babe!  We had a good time! And even though I paid $48.00 a piece, it was priceless to me.  (sorry I had to be sappy).
For those of you who don't like John Mayer, I feel sorry for you!  And those who think he is just okay, go check out his cover of Free Fallin' on itunes and SAY if you have never heard it.  


Sarah Lee said...

um... he's just okay. I don't know, plus he's like the lady on seinfeild... in some pics he's cute and in others I think he's funny looking.
Ava is my neice nicholes daughter... did I already tell you that?

Took said...


i don't know if you would remember me, but i just wanted to say hi, and your kids are so cute! and i heart john mayer as well.

take care,