Wednesday, July 8, 2009

So I am the idiot who forgot my camera on the 4th of July. We went to Clearfield firework (which were great). We did get 1 picture of Evan with a dragonfly on his hat. Just don't look too close he was eating pizza, it's written all over his face.
Guess there is always the 24th.


Dimitri and Zachary said...

Great picture of Evan (minus the hat but our family will never agree) LOL. Look at those eyes, I'm jealous! He is getting so big! It is funny because I don't think of him growing up, I just picture the little boy we saw last! How is Char doing with her performance?

Em said...

what a priceless, cute pic. Your kids are adorable (like you didn't know that already)!

I wanna see pics from your beach trip when you get home!